Saturday, March 7, 2009

Fact of the Day

Brought to you by three hours of breastfeeding class this morning...

When breastfeeding women climax during sex, they often let down their milk. That's right, when they orgasm, their breasts start leaking everywhere or possibly even spraying everywhere. So keep a towel handy.

There are no words.

If you are one of the breastfeeding women this did not happen to, please leave a comment letting me know. If you are someone this happened to, keep your trap shut! I don't want to hear about it! Lalalala.....I can't hear you!!!


kate said...

Ahhh, that's frightening. I guess I'll be wearing a towel over that area. (Although it might me a bit hilarious to shot DH in the face once. lol.)

Erica said...

LMAO! Are you freaking kidding me? Who knew there was such a cool side effect? Now I REALLY hope to have a real live baby just so I can shoot milk out of my tits!

This post made my night. :)

Searching for Serenity said...

I had no idea! That's hilarious. I've got a lot to learn about breastfeeding.

Stephanie said...

They did not mention this at our breastfeeding class!! But I kind of figured there would be a bra with breast pads involved in any sort of sex while breastfeeding.
A friend also told me her boobs started spraying any time she heard her baby cry. She said when you take a shower they spray everywhere too. Fun times ahead!

Alli B said...

Wow, I did not know this. I am not sure that I really wanted to know this. haha. Luckily I haven't had any spray incidents yet, but it is still early.